Thanks for your interest in commissioning a hand painted sign! For all projects please email me as many answers to the questions below as possible for me to provide a ballpark quote via email. I take on full design and painting projects as well as branding provided jobs. I am happy to talk on the phone about your project, however I will only do a site visit if an approximate quote has been accepted by the client. Quotes are subject to change after site visits.
As I am a one woman business and spend a lot of time up ladders, it could take me up to a week to reply to your email. If I don't reply in a week feel free to email again to remind me. For the best chance of your project going ahead to your deadline, please get in touch 1-2 months in advance. If you need signage urgently please detail this in the email and title line.
Please send all sign and artwork enquiries to: hello@rachelemillar.com
Enquiries about gold work can be sent to: gold@rachelemillar.com
All Commercial Signage:
Please send me:
• Your location
• Photos of the current shop/site
• If you have a deadline
If you already have a design, please send me:
• Your design files (preferably in pdf, eps, or ai format)
• Sign dimensions or the dimensions of the space the sign will fit into
If you'd like me to design something, please send:
• The exact wording you would like on the sign
• Sign dimensions or the dimensions of the space the sign will fit into
• Colours or a rough colour palette which I can choose from. Please note that screen colours will look different when they are painted.
• Some images of my previous work that you'd like the design to look like.
ALSO please let me know what if you intend to use my design for anything else other than a sign eg. logo/merchandise. Fees for branding packages and license for specific uses will be added to your initial quote.
Signage on site:
Please provide the following:
• Photos of the places where signage/artwork will be painted
• Rough measurements of these areas and whether they are at height (if so, how high up are they?)
• The wall surface (i.e., brick, smooth drywall, rough stucco, etc.)
• When ideally you'd like the work to be carried out and/or completed
• Where the site is (Glasgow, surrounding area, across the country, out of the country)
* Please note I do not paint shop front background colours. This will need to be completed by a professional decorator before I paint your sign!
• What would you like it to say?
• Painted/gilded?
• Would you like it to be on wood/glass?
• Roughly what size would you like it to be?
• Do you have any examples of style and colour scheme you had in mind?
Below is a rough guide to pricing for artwork commissions:
Sign artwork for interiors (enamel paint on wooden panel, see examples here) – £200+
Gilded glass artwork, unframed (enamel paint and 23.5 carat real gold on glass, see examples here) – £300+
Wedding signs (enamel paint on wood or other flat surfaces) – £350+
Please note that commission costs can be affected by size, material, complexity of design, number of colours and many more factors. Please get in touch before if you would like a rough price of a specific commission. The above list of possible commissions is not exhaustive.
For gilded house numbers, please send the following information to gold@rachelemillar.com:
• The number you'd like to be gilded
• The location of your house (ie. Glasgow, surrounding area, further afield)
• Photos of your front door from the inside of the house and from outside
• Measurements of the glass panel
• An example of a previous number I've done which you like the style of.
After I have this information and your window is suitable to gild I will send a rough estimate. Please note that most house numbers will be between £280-350 and names upwards of £400.
Thank you!
Do you have a pal who loves hand painted signs? Perhaps your parents live in a beautiful old house and would like some gilded numbers above their door? Would your partner love a piece for an anniversary present? Or maybe you'd just like to commission something for yourself and pay for it in a few instalments? Gift vouchers can now be purchased from my online shop.
Buy yours here.

Images: Dickies Workwear